It's Too Much! — Children's Book

It's Too Much! — Children's Book
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The goal of this book is to offer simple visualizations to help our extremely sensitive and empathic children find peace.
These are children that have the ability to sense, to be keenly aware of, to understand, and to share the thoughts, feelings and experiences of others.
While this gift gives birth to kind, caring and compassionate beings, it can also manifest as an emotional, energetic and sometimes physical burden.
As a psychic intuitive, I have many clients who are parents to these remarkable kids and have come to me searching for understanding and guidance on how to better support them.
It is important that we all build an awareness of what emotions and energies belong to us and what we may be absorbing from others. Through this discernment we learn to better understand and protect ourselves and find balance.
It is my sincere hope to offer insight and support to parents as well as to children through this book.
When we are able to control our empathy it becomes an intuitive gift that helps us navigate through our lives rather than something that victimizes or controls us.